Handing over your apartment
Property Management

Entrust your apartment to Property Management

The primary mission of a Property Management company is to ensure the tranquility of the owner, and to discharge himself/herself of all aspects related to the rental and maintenance of their property. Entrust your Apartment to Property Management in Paris, as well as all tasks related to the rental of the landlord’s assets, whether administrative, legal or technical.


First, by looking at the FAQ and advice given from Home Management, the owner will realize that priority is given to the maintenance of the apartment. In this respect, the electricity, gas and water must be up to standards. At all events, the property manager’s role is to anticipate problems that may arise, and to ensure that repairs are done quickly and safely. In order to achieve this aim, he/she regularly controls the water inlets, the shower and bathtub hatchets.


Moreover, the property manager makes sure that tenants respect their rental obligations and the rules of the building’s common areas. Above all, the property manager makes sure that tenant pay their rent. Also, when the tenant gives his notice of departure the landlord is informed. Besides, the property manager warns his partner Paris Rental that the property is for rent again.


Similarly, if the landlord wishes to give his notice, the tenant is informed of the expiry date of the lease. The property manager will also inform the tenant of the reasons for resigning the lease (apartment for sale, repossession …).


Finally, Home Management publishes monthly management reports to inform owners of any event occurring in their property. And, Home Management will yearly regularize rental charges and household garbage taxes based on elements forwarded by the trustees. Likewise, in case of a gold contract – the manager will prepare elements for the tax return.


My apartment:



    Property to manage



    Plans of the apartment


    "Your team has been perfect in every respect. First of all, I was very lucky to meet De Circourt Associates / Paris Rental more than 30 years ago. Then, in 1997 I entrusted my apartments to Property Management with Home Management, a subsidiary of ParisRental. I owe to Home Management the fact to feel free to travel as I please for my health which I thus recovered in a "Harmonie Retrouvée". Anyway, I know I can trust Home Management."
    Témoignages propriétaire Home Management Gestion Locative
    Marie-Hélène. B
    Owner Paris 4ème
    "We have been working with Home Management for almost 4 years. Although we had three different tenants, our apartment has never been empty for more than a week.
    Helene, who has followed us since the beginning is available, dynamic, professional and always shows initiative. Living hundreds of miles away, we could not be so tranquil without the collaboration of Home Management."
    Témoignage propriétaire Home Management
    Alexandre. M
    Owner Paris 8ème
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